"Without Firing A Shot:

The Death of American Libetry Through Political Correctness"

By Ron Walker

Our Republic

Many people in the United States belive that our Founding Fathers created this country as a "Democracy". In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Below is a video explaining thier original intent and why it mattered.

The following is a segment of a video entitled "Overview of America" produced by the John Birch Society.

If you think this video is an exaggeration, put aside your poitical beliefs long enough to compare what happened in the ancient Roman Republic to what is taking place here in this country and the world today. Then ask yourself, why are we allowing the rich and powerful elites to take away the freedoms our Founders worked and fought so hard to give us?

As you do, remember the old saying, "Those who don't remember history are dommed to repeat it."

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